Jung + Enneagram

Dear we: Hoy tome un test de personalidad que me pareció super interesante, dado que antes era una ENTJ definitiva y ahora una ESTP, creo que he cambiado bastante.

Jung Test Results

Extroverted (E) 81.82% Introverted (I) 18.18%
Sensing (S) 53.49% Intuitive (N) 46.51%
Thinking (T) 63.89% Feeling (F) 36.11%
Perceiving (P) 58.62% Judging (J) 41.38%

Your type is: ESTP

ESTP - "Promotor". Action! When present, things begin to happen. Fiercely competitive. Entrepreneur. Often uses shock effect to get attention. Negotiator par excellence. 4.3% of total population.

Enneagram Test Results

The Enneagram is a personality system which divides the entire human personality into nine behavioral tendencies, this is your score on each...

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||||| 53%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||| 36%
Type 3 Image Awareness |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Type 4 Sensitivity |||||||||| 33%
Type 5 Detachment |||||| 26%
Type 6 Anxiety |||||||||| 36%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||| 66%

type score type behavior motivation
8 27 I must be strong and in control to be happy.
3 25 I must be impressive and attractive to be happy.
7 24 I must be high and entertained to be happy.
9 20 I must be peaceful and easy to get along with to be happy.

You scored as Type 8

Your variant is sexual

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